Monday, June 15, 2009

Nothing like a strong cappuccino on a MONDAY morning!

I had an awesome weekend with friends, but now it's time to get back into the grind of a Monday morning! Business as usual, and nothing better than a strong, creamy cappuccino to shake the blurry mist away from your outlook! Although, most often I opt for 2 bags of green tea instead - the combination and formula of caffeine in there just gives me a different kinda kick, LOL. Health nut, I know... What can I say?! And it helps waking up to a beautiful blue, African sky in Jo,burg.. Man, I love South Africa! And if you feel down or depressed, switch on your new favourite song and drink a friggen cappuccino.. I'm enjoying a new remix of David Guetta's song (feat. Chris Willis) "Everytime we touch." Also given to me by a very good friend. It's gonna be a hectic week for me with our channel launch nearing (1 July at 17h00 CAT, channel 123). Studio training, content production, script writing, and managing general logistics of the whole process. And in the back of my head all I really want to do is go to gym, build bigger muscles, eat the right food and see the results, quickly! Damn. Let me get another cappuccino.... Wishing you a happy, productive, Monday!!!

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