Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Business 101

I have learnt valuable business advice simply from reading books that are written by successful people. It helps. One of my idols is Donald Trump.
Here are a few points from his book 'Think Big.'

Be a doer not a dreamer.
'Passion is more important than brains or talent. I have seen some really talented, brainy people fail because of lack of passion. They always seem to have great new ideas [...] but they never do anything about them,' (46/2008).

'The formula of knowledge is the best way to learn because learning from someone else's mistakes is faster and easier than making them yourself,' (63/2008).

'Good luck happens when opportunity meets preparation;'
'A lot of people look at successful people and do not see anything but the end result. They do not see all the work that went into getting there,' (116/2008).

'What can you do to establish momentum? To get momentum, you must first focus on a specific goal with passion and intensity (...) 'Pick something you are good at or have the ability to become good at. Start your momentum rolling by becoming very knowledgeable about your chosen field,' (209/2008).

'Anyone can do things that are easy. It is rare to find people who can tackle big challenges. If you do, you stand out from the crowd. I have found that if something is too easy, it is not usually even worth doing. Lots of other people are already doing it, and there usually is not much profit in the easy jobs.' (215/2008).

'If you ever get into deep difficulty, always focus on the things that make you feel better. Sure, handle the bad stuff you have to deal with, but do not let it demoralize you or distract you from pursuing your goals.' (229/2008).

'If you want to become successful and stay successful, you must learn how to focus; '...the key to making this system work is discipline,' (235/2008).

Those inspired me to work harder and never lose sight of my goals.
Hope it helps you too.

Have a blessed day!

Monday, January 10, 2011

2011 Hooray!!!

My first day at work in 2011 arrived, and it felt like I never went away! The same old mixture of politics, admin, and mission-of-getting-things-done. However, I'm truly blessed and happy in what I do.
Over the holidays I've read a few books as well. One of which being 'The Facebook Effect.' It's inspiring to read about others' success, and how they stick to their plan, no matter how tough things get, or how hard it might be to achieve that first bit of success!
It is my goal for 2011, to have a plan, to write it down, and refine it every single day. It's the least we can do: write down what we'd like, read it every single day, re-write it if necessary, but just think about it everyday. When you read about successful people's stories, you'll find that every single successful person had to face the prospect of failing, being criticized, and being alone, at some point or another. But more than that, they all had a plan, and worked at this plan every single day. You can't organise your life, if you don't have a plan. And you may revisit your plan again, and again, and again.
The founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, created several forerunners before he came up with 'The Facebook.'
We all need to do that!
My passion is nutrition, and I always think that a healthy body will manifest a healthy mindset. They work well together. If you focus on being healthy, being disciplined to eat healthy, and exercise, you'll feel more energised to do things.
In 2011 I want to study something that teaches me even more about nutrition, I want to help people understand the importance of food, and diet, and provide guidance.
There is nothing more rewarding for me when someone takes good advice, put in enough effort, and see the results from a healthy diet & exercise plan.
Have a plan for 2011, and you'll most certainly see the rewards.
Being organised in this manner immediately attracts prosperity and success. Just try it!
Make a list tonight of everything you'd like to have: money, health, fitness level, partner, cars, house, holidays, etc
Then make a list of things you need to do, in order to achieve that level of success.
Also, don't forget to count your blessings. Be grateful for what you have, and ensure that you are thanking people in your life, and saying thanks to what you have.
Best wishes for 2011!

*PS: Attached: a few snapshots from holiday over December.
(The young baby boy in the picture is my brother's kid.)