Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Confidence is a skill, not a talent

More pics from gym - this time, I need to get comfortable in underwear, for the upcoming CK shoot (which, btw has been postponed again, until mid-Nov).

In the meanwhile, I'd like to mention a book that I'm reading, by Donald Trump, "Think Big."
I enjoyed his views on 'being confident.'
Basically, you need to teach yourself this skill. And the most confident person, always has the most power. Part of being confident is having done your research, knowing your facts, and believing in what you stand for. Once you have gained experience in your field, you'll start to develop an instinct. And combined with a passion, this will prove to be very powerful. If you don't develop your level of confidence, you'll constantly struggle to make decisions, and move forward in life.
In my view, one of the secrets to being successful, is being confident in making your decisions. This will teach you to make the right decisions, and 'taking the opportunity when it knocks on your door.'

Thanks to MBM for this feature, check it out: