Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The frustrations!!!

I'm just really frustrated this morning, urrgghh!!   And sometimes one can't explain why you are frustrated, you just are.   Whether it's a relationship (or lack thereof!), or traffic, friends, work, being sick, whatever, it really gets one's mood boiling on the wrong side of the thermostat... grrrr... And you can sense that i'm not having a good morning , i feel like crying , not from being sad, but being so bloody mad!!!!  
And my goal of bulking up weight for extra muscles is not exactly taking shape (excuse the pun!)  Not sure if my motivation is not right, or I'm just not pushing hard enough. Damn!  And why the hell do we have to look so good anyway???  ... because it makes good pictures, which clients prefer, because it looks better, because it's healthier (?), because, because, because...
Anyway, i'm healthy and privileged, so i have to be grateful for the small things in life. Whether people will appreciate me for who i am, is debatable, and does not always happen, and life can get very lonely, but then you have to look at what you have, make use of it, and cement your way up to the highest part of your towering goals & dreams!!!  Damn, it's frustrating!!!   ;) 

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