Monday, August 3, 2009

Accept yourself first!!!!

The only truth to anyone's heart, is the truth of being yourself. For some of us, notably myself too, it's not always easy to simply accept who we are. I compare myself to other people, especially those that have succeeded in this industry, or, those that are admired by many - and then find that I 'lack' in so many regards that I might as well give up. Then, when I 'give up' and say, 'nah, it's not for me, I don't have it,' at that moment, I give someone else a chance to the door that would have opened so many others! I simply can't let it happen! I have to tell myself every single day - since, after all, rejection is part of the game. And, yes, sure, many people don't need to be inspired, but many of us just give up too easily. Perseverance! However, I think the problem often lies within ourselves and not really the inability to work hard for our goals & dreams. It's that issue of being jealous, of comparing yourself to others, of trying to be someone else, and ultimately failing since you're not happy inside, and not being yourself. Be honest with yourself - then, once you've shed this burden, you'll find it so much more satisfying to wake up everyday. At ease with who you are inside. I have to find the right 'spots' and nail them right on the head! Each of us carry different spots and can be successful in our own regard... now, let's go get em tiger!!!!!! Grrrr!!! :) LOL

PS: I found this pic on my laptop, taken during my Summer 2007 trip to the Spanish island just off Madrid called Mallorca. Good times!!

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