Friday, July 2, 2010

Only hard work pays off!!

I've referenced his tips before, and you can also find him on Facebook. Rob Riches is an American fitness model who documents his daily fitness routine, experience as a fitness model and provide an insight into his life 'in the gym.' I've learnt a few tricks and tips from him, and I'd recommend his site to anyone that's interested in building (better) muscle.
Check it out here:

Or a direct link to his training blog:
He is very dedicated to refining his skill to become the ultimate fitness model. And even the skinniest (or most overweight) guys want to build a little bit of muscle. And the first step is to feel inspired and willing to go the extra mile. You have to create the will-power (find inspiration and a reason why you're doing it). Then, training becomes a psychological process of having the discipline to train hard on a daily basis; to eat right and be strict with your diet plan; and to be dedicated throughout busy periods. Once it's set in your mind, there are no limits!
For me it's been challenging due to my first priority = my day job. I work in TV production since this is my ultimate passion. Yet, my love for fitness & training will never disappear. I want to have the balance. I'm already very strict with my diet - and my friends will attest to this fact. Thereafter I simply have to create the time to train for at least 1 hour per day. This takes much effort and encouragement - especially during winter (and having a World Cup on your doorstep!) - but I'm never losing faith and determination. And no one should.
As for the long term goals and dreams, those facets still need a lot of work - and, admittedly, I can't expect to achieve anything without a plan. A 6-month plan, a 1-year plan, and a 5-year plan. My financial plan; where I want to live; how I'd like to spend my time; etc - all of which, surely, need the proper research and planning! You won't achieve success in the gym, or with your diet, or, with your career, if you don't do the planning and research first. So, I gotta get my grind going and back to the drawing board. Many ideas, many plans = research needed!

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