Friday, February 19, 2010

Looking like a cover-model! Via / @MensHealthUK

Right. The best day of the week has arrived. Wooohooo!!! And when the sun shines I'm happy! Stoked! Now, just before we knock-off and enjoy the happy weekend vibe, let's quickly run through a few exercising tips to let your mind wander about, for the coming week.
Men's Health UK calls this the 'cover-model' workout.

1. Leg Extensions (for upper leg work-out)/ 5 sets, 15 reps. Start heavy, finish lighter.
2. Calf raises (or anything to work on the calves);
3. Squats (4 sets; 8/ 10/ 12/ 12 reps);
4. Abs (crunches, or simlar- watch that your back doesn't arch, it has to focus on the abdominal area / 4 set circuit, 12 reps);
5. Bicep EZ Bar curls (4 sets / 10 reps);
6. Rope Pull Down (triceps / 3 sets, 12 reps);
7. Incline Chest (my favourite) / 4 sets, 10 reps - as heavy as possible, let someone spot you);
8. Shoulder Press / 3 sets, 10 reps;
9. EZ Bar bent-over rows / 4 sets, 8/8/10/10 reps;
10. Rowing*

*I always have rowing as my preferred cardio workout, since it doesn't burn muscle extensively. In fact, it helps with toning. These exercises are great for toning the muscles that people see first. Now, go ahead, have a safe weekend, and return on Monday @gym and motivated with some exciting new exercises to try out!!! Be blessed!

EZ Bar/Bent-over Row. /
Incline Dumbbell Press. /
Leg Extensions.

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