Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fitness Regime / Nutrition Plan

In my quest for optimal health & fitness, I often read articles from American magazines - where the fitness industry is massive (despite the nation having the most obese people in the world!).
Men's Fitness is an excellent example thereof. In one of their latest online articles, they have linked masturbation with prostate cancer:
I'm not sure that I agree with these studies - about 700 men were interviewed - which serves to be a proportionate percentage of men from different walks of life. Not sure(?). The article has conflicting info, saying that men who are sexually very active in their 20s & 30s, are prone to higher incidence of prostate cancer when they reach their late 50s. However, men who are consistently sexually active throughout their 40s & 50s, causes the reverse - lower incidence of prostate cancer. So, best you stay active throughout your life then! Lol.

There are also very useful tips to help you grow/build a bigger chest. I get asked often about chest exercises - for me, doing more incline dumbbell presses have increased the overall appearance of well-sculpted pecs that stand out/forward.
"Build a bigger chest."
Of course, it can always be bigger, and eating good quality, organically harvested brown rice will help with increase weight for bulking up. During the time that you bulk up, you might lose some definition on your abs, which is normal. Once you're buffed up, you can cut on the stomach again!

Lastly, the second most asked question (or perhaps combined with chest queries); is the question, "How do I get great abs?" Refer to this article that gives 8 handy tips on building better abs.

However, as per previous posts on here, I have to make it clear, that abdominal muscles will appear more prominently if you have a diet that supports lean muscle. Most of us have great 'abs' - but they're hiding underneath a small layer of fat. The so-called 'love handles' are directly linked to what you eat. The biggest culprit is (bad) sugar. Sodas, sweets, pastas, bread (wheat), etc.

I give valuable advice on diet & fitness, and for any queries, please email me:

Have a blessed Thursday!

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