Tuesday, January 19, 2010

You have a daily 'routine' - time to wake-up, get dressed, go to gym, shower, get ready for work, drive to work, tasks at work, lunch-time, meetings, end of work-day, driving home, duties at home, etc. We all have routines. Then, often, we end up in a rut. Yet, we do things that we enjoy and plan for. Like weekend parties, holidays, etc. Now, imagine this 'business of life' becomes your outlook on a daily basis. Don't just plan for the weekend, or that holiday, plan your day as well. It sounds simple enough, however so few of us do it. Know your day. Know your goals, and what you're working towards. Have the end-result in mind. Align your daily tasks with your goals. If you spend time in a job you don't necessarily enjoy, then use your 'after-hours' to grind forward on things that you enjoy more. There will come a moment when you don't need to keep your boring, frustrating day-job and actually follow the road to your passion - and making money from it. So keep at it.
Putting in the hard work & discipline today, will ensure your luxury of free time and a happy, satisfying life later on.
Finally, as mentioned before, check out my favourite blog:


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