The 'winning recipe' for abs get told so many times over - and we see Men's Health covers painted in headlines about the 'perfect abs' - all the time! It's probably the most requested query, the most wanted group of muscles, the most adored part of any guy's body. Your stomach is either that of washboard abs, or you have a very unwelcome layer of fat. See, for most of us guys, unfortunately, this is where our fat gets stuck first. Not our bums, not in the neck, or thighs, no, no, always, straight for the stomach area!! Sure it frustrates us, because, very often, no matter how hard you train, or which supplements you take, you just can't get that perfect 6-pack. Or 8-pack. Lol. Even big muscled guys struggle with this - because, as you might know, getting bigger means you have to add weight first, then go through the strenuous experience of cutting the extra weight down again, and ripping open the muscles to appear sculpted.
My personal experience? Fix your diet first - consume foods that don't contain bad fats - watch out for good fats - and keep it lean when buying food.
80% of what I look like is based on what I eat.
Once you have that right, then you have to follow a few simple guidelines too. And Men's Health UK has set out a few of them: